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Desirae Sifuentes invites you to subscribe to FAMIGLIA

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Desirae Sifuentes of Uncatechized Catholic is inviting you to join FAMIGLIA - THE best Catholic periodical! You're gonna love it!

We've got in-depth articles to help you grow in faith, Catholic comics, the crosswords, and so much more! FAMIGLIA brings back the analog, to let the Holy Spirit shine.

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Grab the periodical everyone is talking about - for less than the price of a breakfast!

a message about FAMIGLIA from

Desirae Sifuentes of Uncatechized Catholic

"Hey! I’m so glad you’re checking out this amazing resource. Print media is so near and dear to me, and it’s far better for us than yet another screen.

FAMIGLIA is a brilliant accompaniment to your meals or a pre-bedtime wind down, and there’s even a spread for kids in every issue! Whether you take it on the go, with your coffee, or bless your parish with a bulk order, I think you’ll realize it was worth every cent. Read each issue every month and in a short time, you’ll be amazed at how much more culturally catholic your life is (in the best way), and how much more you’ve grown in your Catholic knowledge.

Subscribe now, dive in, and enjoy!
" -Desirae Sifuentes of Uncatechized Catholic

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