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FAMIGLIA & Coffee of the Cross partner on ultimate Catholic subscription

FAMIGLIA & Coffee of the Cross partner on ultimate Catholic subscription

Good coffee, good reading, great mission

LA SALLE, Ill — The world is a busy place.  Between constant noise and electronic pings, time away to hear God's still small voice can be hard.  FAMIGLIA Messenger, the Catholic periodical making waves for it's unique layout, stories, and artistic content, is please to announce a new partnership with Coffee of the Cross to bring a new kind of Catholic subscription to help people reconnect to the real world.

"With the constant noise of this life, it's easy to be buried in pings and rings.  I'm so happy to announce that FAMIGLIA and Coffee of the Cross have teamed up to bring you the ultimate monthly subscription," says Anthony Warmack, co-editor of FAMIGLIA Messenger.  "Grab something tangible, delivered right to your door at the start of every month. Brew a fresh pot of coffee and crack open the latest FAMIGLIA edition and be immersed in an analog world where Christ can break through the noise."

Coffee of the Cross, is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Nicaragua under the guidance of Fr. Gregory Wierzba.  The coffee is grown in the Mountain of Peace Shrine which was consecrated, along with the dioceses of Central America, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by sixty-five bishops.  It's high quality coffee, and even Pope Francis was given a bag!

Proceeds from the new bundle help make a difference.  Much of the proceeds from the sale of the coffee help fund the missions of the friars - including the upkeep of the Shrine and the Basilica of the Diocese of Matagalpa, along with the formation of the faith within the diocese.  From FAMIGLIA's side, proceeds help support Catholic creators who are themselves working to bring Glory to God through their words, illustrations, and photographs. 

"The mission of FAMIGLIA and Coffee of the Cross is intertwined.  We are both working to share the faith to a world constantly filled with noise," says Warmack, "For FAMIGLIA, it's really a product of the Holy Spirit and the many people who give their talents to help tell the Church's story. Whatever your vocation or state in life - whether you are married or single, a priest or religious, man or woman, FAMIGLIA brings stories from our faith that are sure to inspire."

FAMIGLIA is family run and printed locally in the Illinois Valley on real newsprint.  Both companies invite the public to brew a fresh pot of coffee, crack open the latest FAMIGLIA edition, and be immersed in an analog world where Christ can break through the noise. 

Learn more and subscribe online at


ABOUT FAMIGLIA MESSENGER:  FAMIGLIA is a monthly Catholic periodical, printed on newsprint, to inspire the faith.  It’s not just another’s a Catholic periodical for the whole Catholic family. This low cost periodical is changing lives.  The goal? To bring amazing analog art and faith based content to every Catholic home in America...& then the world!

PRESS RESOURCES:  Request a press sample, interview, or media kit on our press page.

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